Reinhold Leinfelder's Web- and other Multimedia Projects
Based on the fact that Palaeontology and Geobiology benefits from visualisation and on the conviction that so-called smaller science subjects such as Palaeontology need high visibility among science and in the public I have started web projects as early as 1994, at a time where there really was not much about Geosciences in the Web. Meanwhile, the challenge of web based projects lies in delivering educational, and dynamic, contents, not merely static facts over the web.
Technologies used by RL: html, CSS, dhtml, DOM, JavaScript, JavaApplets, Flash, qt-virtual reality, interactive quicktime, quicktime movies, pdf, ppt, SSI, database-generated pages.
The menubar above lets you jump to the respective short description of my multimedia projects (please note that Internet Explorer sometimes does not jump to anchors). Alternatively you may scroll through the list below (editor or producer is only indicated if not done by myself only).
A (nearly) complete list of R. Leinfelder's Internet-Productions is also available.
Institutional Pages:
| Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, University Stuttgart (1995-1998) (url and institute closed).
| Former Institute of Palaeontology and Historical Geology, University of Munich, since mid-2002 Section Palaeontology at the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences), together with the Bavarian States Collection of Palaeontology and Geology and the Palaeontological Museum Munich. (Editor and chief producer 1999-2002; editor and supervisor till end 2006)
| Faculty of Geosciences of the University of Munich (1999-2003, url closed) |
| The pages of the Center of Geobiology and Biodiversity at the University of Munich, a multidisciplinary joint venture of palaeontologists, geobiologists, botanists, zoologists, anthropologists and palaeoanatomists from Munich. Webpage started summer 2002, maintained till Dec. 2006.
Intranet of Palaeontology Munich: This service is password-protected. It uses discussion boards, online calendars and dynamic webpages based on a relational database system of 20 interconnected Filemaker-databases (since 1998, maintaeined till 2006).
2004: Relaunch of Webpages of the Bavarian State Collections of Natural Science (responsability of RL, 2003 - Dec. 2005)
Museum für Naturkunde Berlin: Responsability for institutional pages: (Jan 2006 - Dec. 2010), including GeoBio-Center Portal at the Museum für Naturkunde, RL: (url closed 2010, now see here).
Paläontologische Gesellschaft. e.V.
| The new website of the Germany-based Paläontologische Gesellschaft provides not only general information about the society, but many other services such as the PaläontologieAktuell online newsletter, resources for teachers and students, informations on Palaeontology courses, fossil galleries, short online articles on paleontological research projects and much more. Editor and Chief Producer of the website of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft from 2002 till 2004). |
| The is a portal for the entire Palaeontological Community. It included the Palaeonews, the event calendar, the "Ask a Palaeontologist"-discussion forum, a palaeo listserver, the Geobiolink-database and links to major educational and research ressources. is a service for the Palaeontologische Gesellschaft and Palaeontology Munich, provided by Reinhold Leinfelder (since 2000, stalled since 2011, but see the education pages at |
| provides videoclips, 3D and other animated educational contributions based on modern technologies, including dhtml, JavaScript, Java, Flash, Virtual Reality, interactive quicktime and quicktime streaming. Available are videoclips from excursions and research trips to modern and ancient environments, virtual reality impressions from museums, online lectures such as "Reefs under Stress - modern and ancient" and other things useful for university, school and further education. Not to forget the palaeo-fun section including contributions on the evolution of the Wolpertinger, a nose-tickling research article on the co-evolution of elephants and pollens as well as the famous Hamburg bryozoan choir in a carneval contribution (2001-2012; including some earlier projects).
(The service is still available but since quicktime interactive and quicktime streaming is not any longer supported by most web browsers, some of the movies might not be available any longer (or try with the quicktime extension for browsers). Also note that we do not continue with the domain; should be used instead. Please update your bookmarks |
© D. Anderson (see |
The German Reef Resource Server
| The German Reef Resource Server started 1996 as the central German information and resource service for the International Year of the Reef (IYOR) 1997. After IYOR is was maintained and updated under IYO (International Year of the Ocean) 1978. Since then the server received occational updates but is mainly maintained as a resource documentation. In 1999 was added as an additional service which is maintained and regularly updated by Georg Heiß (Berlin). In 2002, the complete version of our resource-book for schools, teachers and divers was put on the web under : Note that 2008 is another International Year of the Reef (IYOR 2008). Again, a team around Reinhold Leinfelder is organizing the activities for IYOR 2008, including the web pages. See for more.
Educational Web Projects
| Educational Projects are one of my major focusses. The Virtual Geoscience University has started as early as 1995 with the 'evergreen' Jurassic Reef Park ( which originally was written for school students but has unexpectedly also been used for many university courses and petroleum companies. JRP was followed by many other projects such as online palaeogeographic maps, full online articles on reef sytems and reef damage, regional geology, living fossils, archaeopteryx, creationism and ID, and so forth. One of later projects was the online-multimedia-course which is based on my university courses on "Multimedia presentation and documentation of geoscience research and education projects" at . It encompasses all aspects (technics, contents, layout) of website production, including advanced technologies such as JavaScript, dhtml, DOM, flash, quicktime and database-generated pages, and also gives an overview on video cutting and production, amongst other things (about 1200 html-pages.(Not maintained, owing to time restrictions, but still available as an archive)
Since 1995. Many intranet-ressource pages for Lectures of R. Leinfelder and other lectures, produced by other members of Palaeontology Munich (with abundant pdfs from lecture powerpoints). Configured and weboptimized by RL. See here. |
Online-Database Projects
Another challenge are database generated webpages and webprojects. I use the database program FilemakerPro which' contents are dynamically connected to webpages through the webcompanion plugin. Database connectivity is programmed manually. Some examples:
- Event and Exhibition Online Calendar for the Bavarian State Collection of Natural Sciences. (1999 - 2002; now partially incorporated into other projects).
- Databases with web connectivity for the Paläontologische Gesellschaft:
- The Geobio-Link-Database formerly at Any user can add new links and a short description in this database, using a web interface. A password is not required. The database can be searched through a quick search field which is incorporated into other webpages, such as the and the Website of the Palaeontological Society, or through advanced, combined search options (linklist since 1995, database-generated from 1999-2007, Owing to spamming attacks, meanwhile closed).
- Palaeonews-Service: . Includes science news, job vacancies, website news and many other information. Can be fed by various colleagues (password protected).2001-2007
- Event-Online Calendar: , summing up exhibitions, public talks and other events for entire Germany. Other webpages, such as the webpages of Palaeontology Munich use this database to display events only for their region. Can be fed by various colleagues (password protected). 2001-2007
- The searchable membership directory of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft: (2001-2003; meanwhile closed down owing to new data protection laws )
- Database generated Munich Intra- and Internet pages, generated from a relational database supported by 25 individual databases (2000-2006), such as the publication database. Meanwhile mostly closed down because of institutional restructuration.
- Ask-a-Palaeontologist-Discussion Forum ( for the Paläontologische Gesellschaft (and other forums), 2000-2005.
- Scientific Databases at Museum für Naturkunde Berlin:
- Under RLs responsability, the Museum developed, and participated in, a great variety of science databases, such as GBIF, BHL, EDIT, and many othersw (2006-2010; )
Research Project Pages:
Reef Group Munich: (formerly Reef Group Stuttgart-Munich): presents a multitude of informations on modern and ancient reefs, based on own research results. Contains reef galleries, research results, published literature, links and more. (till End 2005)
Innovative Geoscience Projects of Munich Geosciences: . These pages present latest research technologies accompanied by examples of research results. (2002, Initiated, supervised and technically supported by R.Leinfelder, produced by Katja Henßel). Examples:
- Palaeo-3D-Group Pages: 3D-Reconstruction of enigmatic fossils and other organisms is another research project (Leinfelder, Schmid, Henßel). Till Dec. 2005 (former URL:
- Stable Isotope Studies: . Presented the possibilities of the new isotope lab of Palaeontology Munich and the Geobio-Center Munich. Till Dec. 2005, url closed
pages meanwhile integrated into other projects of the Munich webpages (see links above)
Networking Projects:
- Webpages for the German activities for the International Year of the Reef (IYOR) 1997:
- Various internet services for the 1. International Year of the Reef (IYOR) 1997, see via and
- Coordination of webpages for the German activities for the 2. International Year of the Reef (IYOR) 2008, (in part archived here
- Coordination of webpages for the German activities for the 3. International Year of the Reef (IYOR) 2018:
- Webpages for the "Deutsche Naturwissenschaftliche Forschungssammlungen (DNFS) e.V. (Consortium of German Natural Science Research Collections): (-Dec 2010)
Darwin-Year 2009-Projects:
- Activity Calendar of the German Natural History Museums and their partners for the Darwin-Year 2009 (in coop. with Staatliche Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart) (URL and service closed)
- News, comments, statements and informations around the Darwin-Year, and thereafter:
- Press review, personal statements of RL and other information on Creationism and Intelligent design: (available as archive)
- GeoPal-Specials (1995-2009))
Weblogs and other Social Media:
- RL-Weblog: "Ach Du lieber Darwin:
- Contributions to the Vielfalter-Blog on Biodiversity: ( (closed)
- RL-Weblog: Der Anthropozäniker - Scilogs, Spektrum der Wissenschaften:
- Book Weblogs: Die Große Transformation: and Die Anthropozän-Küche / Eating Anthropocene: (together with A. Hamann)
- Haus der Zukunft - das Blog: formerly
Während seiner Amtszeit als Gründungsdirektor der Haus der Zukunft gGmbH (später Futurium gGmbH) baute Reinhold Leinfelder das Haus der Zukunft-Blog auf und betrieb es bis zu seinem Ausscheiden im Herbst 2016. Die Futurium gGmbH hat zwischenzeitlich im Zuge des Relaunches ihres gesamten Webauftritts einen neuen Blog geschaffen. Der alte Blog (zum Aufbau betrieben bei wurde abgeschaltet, nur einige Artikel wurden in das neue Blog übernommen (siehe hier, von 2015-2016). Aus Dokumentationsgründen werden die ehemaligen Seiten hier in pdf-Form (8 MB) dokumentiert.
Non-Web-based Multimedia Projects
- Touchscreen Kiosk Computer at the Paläontologisches Museum Munich. Contents and technics produced by R.Leinfelder (1999-2001), now continued by Manuela Schellenberger. Includes the Fossil-of-the-Month-Project, Palaeogeographic map animations, reef lecture and reef shows, among others.
- Coauthor of CD-ROM Project on Fossil Reefs by SEPM (ed. P. Scholle).
- Multimedia-Production (animated slide shows, videos, Video-DVDs, Video-CDs etc.) shown at the Paläontologische Museum Munich and during teaching (Coordinator and Co-Producer). in part also available as web videos, see and other categories of
- Cooperation partner for CD-ROM school projects (Gymnasium Oberhausen, Gymnasium Geilenkirchen, System Erde-Project (organized by Institut für Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften - IPN - Kiel)
- Lead and Coordination of Schnellfilm-Festival ("Fastfilm"-Festival) Research on Biodiversity, on occation of the UN-Conference on Biodiversity (CBD, COP 9) in Bonn, 2008; documented under
- For some of the TV-cooperation projects see here. Some video clips are available at , for clips of TV-cooperations with the Museum für Naturkunde see
> A (more) complete list of R. Leinfelder's Internet-Productions
Entrance of the R. Leinfelder Homepage
Last changes by R. Leinfelder:30.04.2018