Reinhold Leinfelder's research projects

Museology, Pedagogics & PUR | Science Scepticism | The Anthropocene
Reef Evolution | Modern ReefsJurassic Reefs and Carbonate Platforms | Mid-Palaeozoic Faunal Communities
Invertebrate constructional morphology and taxonomy
Microbial Systems, Algae, Enigmatic Microorganisms, Biosedimentology
Lusitanian Basin | Quantitative Basin Modelling | 3D-Methodology

Transdisciplinary Anthropocene Research - Towards a sustainable use of the World

R. Leinfelder, FU-Berlin, with C. Schwägerl, Berlin, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Schäffner, HU Berlin, H. Trischler, Munich (Deutsches Museum, RCC), WBGU-members, Anthropocene Working Group of the ICS/IUGS, and many other partners.

The Earth's natural spheres (biosphere, hydrosphere, pedosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere etc) and the Anthroposphere are not only strongly interconnected, but they act as one single megasystem. In addition, humankind has become a major geological factor, thus Earth System Research, Sustainability Research and Transition Research must be interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary. The present activity of Reinhold Leinfelder's working group has a strong focus on Anthropocene research.

Recent Projects (selection):

Selected publications (for younger publications, see intro page of this site):

WILLIAMS, M., LEINFELDER, R., BARNOSKY, A, HEAD, M. McCARTHY, F., CEARRETA, A,. HIMSON, S., HOLMES, R., WATERS, C., ZALASIEWICS, J., TURNER, S., McGANN, M., HADLY, E., STEGNER, M., PILKINGTON, P., KAISER, J., BERRIA, J., WILKINSON, I., ZINKE, J., DeLong, K. (2022): Planetary scale change to the biosphere signalled by global species translocations can be used to identify the Anthropocene.- Palaeontology, 65(4), 25pp, doi: 10.1111/pala.12618

LEINFELDER, R. (2019): Wo wir stehen - wohin wir gehen .- In: Futurium - Haus der Zukünfte, S.26-29, Dresden (Sandstein-Verlag).
english version: Where we are now - where we are heading. In: Futurium - House of Futures

Jan ZALASIEWICZ, Colin WATERS, Mark WILLIAMS, Colin SUMMERHAYES, Martin HEAD, Reinhold LEINFELDER, Jacques GRINEVALD, John McNEILL, Naomi ORESKES, Will STEFFEN, Scott WING, Phil GIBBARD, Davor VIDAS, Trevor HANCOCK, Anthony BARNOSKY, Bob HAZEN, Andy SMITH, Neil ROSE, Agnieszka GALUSZKA, An ZHISHENG, Simon PRICE, Daniel deB. RICHTER, Sharon A BILLINGS, James SYVITSKI, Ian WILKINSON, David ALDRIDGE, Valentin BAULT, Peter HAFF, Juliana IVAR DO SUL, Ian FAIRCHILD, Michael WAGREICH, Irka HAIJDAS, Catherine JEANDEL, Alejandro CEARRETA, Eric ODATAA, Erich DRAGANITS, Matt EDGEWORTH, J. R. McNEILL (2019): The Anthropocene as a Geological Time Unit. A Guide to the Scientific Evidence and Current Debate, 382 pp., Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), ISBN 9781108475235

Mark WILLIAMS, Jan ZALASIEWICS, Colin WATERS, Stephen HIMSON, Colin SUMMERHAYES, Anthony BARNOSKY, Reinhold LEINFELDER (2018): The palaeontological record of the Anthropocene.- Geology Today, 34/5, pp 188-193 (Wiley), (doi: 10.1111/gto.12246)

Colin N. WATERS, Jan ZALASIEWICZ, Colin SUMMERHAYES, Ian J. FAIRCHILD, Neil L. ROSE, Neil J. LOADER, William SHOTYK, Alejandro CEARRETA, Martin J. HEAAD, James P.M. SYVITSKI, Mark WILLIAMS, Anthony D. BARNOSKY, An ZHISHENG, Reinhold LEINFELDER, Catherine JEANDEL, Agnieszka GALUSZKA, Juliana A. IVAR DO SUL, Felix GRADSTEIN, Will STEFFEN, John R. McNEILL, Scott WING, Clement POIRIER, Matt EDGEWORTH (2018): Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the Anthropocene Series: Where and how to look for potential candidates. Earth Science Reviews, 178, 379-429, DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2017.12.016 (online first: accepted ms version, EARTH 2557: Dec. 30, 2017; final version: Mrch 2, 2018)

Colin N. WATERS, Jan ZALASIEWICZ, Colin SUMMERHAYES, Anthony D. BARNOSKY, Clément POIRIER, Agnieszka GALUSZKA, Alejandro CEARRETA, Matt EDGEWORTH, Erle C. ELLIS, Michael ELLIS, Catherine JEANDEL, Reinhold LEINFELDER, J. R. McNEILL, Daniel de B. RICHTER, Will STEFFEN, James SYVITSKI, Davor VIDAS, Michael WAGREICH, Mark WILLIAMS, An ZHISHENG, Jacques GRINEVALD, Eric ODATA, Naomi ORESKES, Alexander P. WOLFE (2016): The Anthropocene is functionally and stratigraphically distinct from the Holocene.- Science 8 January 2016: Vol. 351 no. 6269 DOI: 10.1126/science.aad2622

Jan ZALASIEWICZ, Colin N. WATERS, Juliana IVAR DO SUL, Patricia L. CORCORAN, Anthony D. BARNOSKY, Alejandro CEARRETA, Matt EDGEWORTH, Agnieszka GALUSZKA, Catherine JEANDEL, Reinhold LEINFELDER, J.R. McNEILL, Will STEFFEN, Colin SUMMERHAYES, Michael WAGREICH, Mark WILLIAAMS, Alexander P. WOLFE & Yasmin YONAN (2016): The geological cycle of plastics and their use as a stratigraphic indicator of the Anthropocene.- Anthropocene,

WILLIAMS, M., LEINFELDER, R., ZALASIEWICZ et al. (2016): The Anthropocene: a conspicuous stratigraphical signal of anthropogenic changes in production and consumption across the biosphere.- Earth’s Future (Wiley) doi: 10.1002/2015EF000339 (accepted manuscript published 3 Feb 2016)

HAMANN, A., LEINFELDER, R., TRISCHLER, H. & WAGENBRETH, H. (eds)(2014)): Anthropozän. 30 Meilensteine auf dem Weg in ein neues Erzeitalter. Eine Comic-Anthologie. In Kooperation mit einer Illustratorenklasse der Universität der Künste Berlin. 80 S. Verlag Deutsches Museum, München. ISBN 978-3-940396-45-7, €14,95 (order online or see here foronline comic strips with english subtitles)

HAMANN, A., ZEA-SCHMIDT, C., LEINFELDER, R. (eds.) (2014): The Great Transformation. Climate - Can We Beat the Heat? Graphic Interviews with the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) (Illustrations: Hartmann, J., Hülsmann, J., Nippoldt, R. et al.; in cooperation with the WBGU)138 pp., German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), Berlin. ISBN 978-3-93619-41-7

LEINFELDER, R. (2012): Paul Joseph Crutzen, The „Anthropocene.- In: Leggewie, C., Zifonun, D., Lang, A., Siepmann, M. & Hoppen, J. (Hg.), Schlüsselwerke der Kulturwissenschaften, ,  Edition Kulturwissenschaft, Band 7, S. 257-260. Transscript-Verlag, Bielefeld.

LEINFELDER, R. (2013): Assuming Responsibility for the Anthropocene: Challenges and Opportunities in Education.- In: Trischler, H. (ed): Anthropocene Envisioning the Future of the Age of Humans.- RCC-Perspectives, 2013/3, 9-28, Rachel Carson Center, Munich (download here)

LEINFELDER, R. & SCHWÄGERL, C. (2012): Geofokus: Sind die Geowissenschaften im Anthropozän angekommen? GMIT - Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, Nr. 50, S. 6-15, Bonn. (download here)

LEINFELDER, R., SCHWÄGERL, C., MÖLLERS, N. & TRISCHLER, H. (2012): Die menschengemachte Erde. Das Anthropozän sprengt die Grenzen von Natur, Kultur und Technik.- Kultur & Technik, 2/2012, S. 12-17, München (Verlag Deutsches Museum)

SCHWÄGERL, C. & LEINFELDER, R. (2014): Die menschgemachte Erde.- Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung, 5 (2), 233-240, Weimar.

WBGU (SCHELLNHUBER, H.-J.,, MESSNER, D., LEGGEWIE, C., LEINFELDER, R.R., NAKICENOVIC, N., RAHMSTORF, S., SCHLACKE, S., SCHMID, J. & SCHUBERT, R.) (2009): Solving the climate dilemma: The budget approach.- Special Report, 58 P., German Advisory Councal on Global Change (WBGU), Berlin. (download at

WBGU (Schellnhuber, H.J., Messner, D., Leggewie, C., Leinfelder, R., Nakicenovic, N., Rahmstorf, S., Schlacke, S., Schmid, J. & Schubert, R.) (2011): World in Transition – A Social Contract for Sustainability.- Flagship Report, German Advisory Councal on Global Change, 400 p. (WBGU), Berlin.

WBGU (Schellnhuber, H.J., Messner, D., Leggewie, C., Leinfelder, R., Nakicenovic, N., Rahmstorf, S., Schlacke, S., Schmid, J. & Schubert, R.)(2013): World in Transition. Governing the Marine Heritage.- Flagship Report 2013. German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), 19 p. (WBGU Berlin) (dowload at )


Museology, Pedagogics, Public Understanding of Research:

R. Leinfelder, Berlin, B. Graf, Berlin (institute for Museum Research), H. Trischler, Munich (Deutsches Museum), University of the Arts, Berlin, Alexandra Hamann, Berlin (Mintwissen), and many others.

Science transfer does need new methods, contents and formats.Current projects include publication of research in exhibition formats (eg.with Deutsches Museum, Natural History Museums), performance and dialogue-formats (Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin), opportunities and challenges of participative environmental monitoring, evaluation of "graphic interviews" as new transfer formats as well as intercultural projects on developing participative graphic science formats (e.g. with The University of the Arts, Berlin and the Excellence Cluster Image Knowledge Gestaltung, Berlin). The Haus der Zukunft-Project is particulary focusing on such new methodology

Selected publications (for more recent ones, see intro page of this site):

LEINFELDER, R. (2021): Die Zukunft im Museum ausstellen?.- In : Mohr, H. & Modarressi-Tehrani, D. (eds.): Museen der Zukunft. Trends und Herausforderungen eines innovationsorientierten Kulturmanagements. S. 363-399, Bielefeld (Transkript-Verlag)

LEINFELDER, R. & HAMANN, A. (2019): Das WBGU-Transformations-Gutachten als Sachcomic - ein neuer Wissenstransferansatz für komplexe Zukunftsthemen? .- In : Heydenreich, C. (ed.): Comics und Naturwissenschaften, S. 127-147, Berlin (CH.A. Bachmann-Verlag).

LEINFELDER, R. (2022): "Auch Maschinen haben Hunger" - Biosphäre als Modell für die Technosph&aum;re im Anthropozän.- In: Carmen Sippl & Erwin Rauscher. (Hrsg.), Kulturelle Nachhaltigkeit lernen und lehren. Reihe: Pädagogik für Niederösterreich, Bd. 11, S.S 489-521 Innsbruck, Wien (StudienVerlag), ISBN 978-3-7065-6180-8.

LEINFELDER, R. (2020): Das Anthropozän - mit offenem Blick in die Zukunft der Bildung. In: Sippl, C.Rauscher, E. & Scheuch, M. (Hrsg.): Das Anthropozän lernen und lehren, S. 17-65, Reihe: Pädagogik für Niederösterreich, Band 9, Innsbruck, Wien (StudienVerlag),ISBN 978-3-7065-5598-2

LEINFELDER, R. (2018): Nachhaltigkeitsbildung im Anthropozän - Herausforderungen und Anregungen. In: LernortLabor - Bundesverband der Schülerlabore e.V. (Hrsg), MINT-Nachhaltigkeitsbildung in Schülerlaboren - Lernen für die Gestaltung einer zukunftsfähigen Gesellschaft, S. 130-141, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-946709-02-2. (check reprint via RG)

KRAUSSE, J., LEINFELDER, R. & VON MENDE, J. (2017) : The Anthropocene Kitchen.- In: Nicolaj van der Meulen & Jörg Wiesel (eds), Culinary Turn. Aesthetic Practice of Cookery, P. 39-46, Bielefeld (Transcript), full book via open access via Transcript book page>; this paper, open access

LEINFELDER, R., HAMANN, A., KIRSTEIN, J. & SCHLEUNITZ, M. (eds.) (2017): Science meets Comics.- Proceedings of the Symposium on Communicating and Designing the Future of Food in the Anthropocene. With contributions by Jaqueline Berndt, Anne-Kathrin Kuhlemann, Toni Meier, Veronika Mischitz, Stephan Packard, Lukas Plank, Nick Sousanis, Katerina Teaiwa, Arnold van Huis, and the editors. 117 pp, Berlin (Ch. Bachmann publ.)(4 April 2017); Open Access version: doi: 10.5281/zenodo.556383

GRAF, B., LEINFELDER R. & TRISCHLER, H. (2016): Research. Museums as a site of knowledge production.- In: Graf, B. & Rodekamp, V. (eds), Museums: Between Quality and Relevance - Denkschrift on the state of museums, Berliner Schriften zur Museumsforschung, 30, Sp. Vol, pp. 45-46, Berlin.

LEINFELDER, R. (2016): Das Haus der Zukunft (Berlin) als Ort der Partizipation.- In: Popp, R., Fischer, N., Heiskanen-Schüttler, M., Holz, J. & Uhl, A. (ed.), Einblicke, Ausblicke, Weitblicke. Aktuelle Perspektiven der Zukunftsforschung, S. 74-93, Berlin, Wien etc. (LIT-Verlag).

LEINFELDER, R. & ZINFERT, M. (2015): Zukunftsbilder - Unsichtbare sichtbar machen. In: Zechlin, R. (ed) Wie leben? Zukunftsbilder von Malewitsch bis Fujimoto, p. 16-29, (also in english: Images of the Future. Making the Invisible Visible), Wienand-Verlag,ISBN 978-3-86832-303-0

LEINFELDER, R., HAMANN, A. & KIRSTEIN, J. (2015): Wissenschaftliche Sachcomics: Multimodale Bildsprache, partizipative Wissensgenerierung und raumzeitliche Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten.- in: Bredekamp, H. & Schäffner, W. (Hrsg.)(2015): Haare hören, Strukturen wissen, Räume agieren. Berichte aus dem Interdisziplinären Labor Bild-Wissen-Gestaltung, S. 45-59, Bielefeld (transcript-Verlag); ISBN 978-3-8376-3272-9

LEINFELDER, R.  (2015): »Die Zukunft war früher auch besser« Neue Herausforderungen für die Wissenschaft und ihre Kommunikation. In: Möllers, N. & Schwägerl, C. (eds), Willkommen im Anthropozän. Unsere Verantwortung für die Zukunft der Erde. Der Ausstellungskatalog, S. 99-104, Verlag Deutsches Museum, München.

HAMANN, A., LEINFELDER, R., TRISCHLER, H. & WAGENBRETH, H. (eds)(2014): Anthropozän. 30 Meilensteine auf dem Weg in ein neues Erzeitalter. Eine Comic-Anthologie. In Kooperation mit einer Illustratorenklasse der Universität der Künste Berlin. 80 S. Verlag Deutsches Museum, München. ISBN 978-3-940396-45-7, €14,95 (order online or see here for online comic strip with english subtitles)

LEINFELDER, R. (2014): Das Haus der Zukunft (Berlin) als Ort der Partizipation.- Der Anthropozäniker, SciLogs, Spektrum der Wissenschaften-Verlag (20 S., 24 Abb.), (pdf-Version: DOI: 10.13140/2.1.2720.5920 )

LEINFELDER, R. (2014): Das WBGU-Transformations-Gutachten als Wissenschaftscomic: Ein Kommunikationsprojekt zu alternativen Wissenstransferansätzen für  komplexe Zukunftsthemen – Ergebnisübersicht.- 8 S., SciLogs – Der Anthropozäniker (Spektrum der Wissenschaft).,

LEINFELDER, R. (2013): Editorial: Neue Wege - WBGU-Gutachten als Comic.- Biologie in unserer Zeit, 43/3, 135-136, (Wiley). DOI: 10.1002/biuz.201390046

LEINFELDER, R. (2013): Verantwortung für das Anthropozän übernehmen. Ein Auftrag für neuartige Bildungskonzepte. In: Vogt, M., Ostheimer, J. & Uekötter, F. (Hg), Wo steht die Umweltethik? Argumentationsmuster im Wandel.- Beiträge zur sozialwissenschaftlichen Nachhaltigkeitsforschung, Bd. 5., S. 283-311, Metropolis Verlag, Marburg. 

LEINFELDER, R.R. (2012): Darwin, Biodiversität und dann? - In: Die Themen und Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts im Kontext der Naturkundemuseen, Natur im Museum, Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Naturwissenschaftliche Museen im Deutschen Museumsbund, 2/2012, S. 58-72, Berlin (Deutscher Museumsbund).

GRAF, B., LEINFELDER, R. & TRISCHLER, H. (2012): Forschen: Museen als Orte des Wissensproduktion.- In: Graf, B. & Rodekamp, V. (eds): Museen zwischen Qualität und Relevanz. Denkschrift zur Lage der Museen, S. 103-114, Berliner Schriften zur Museumsforschung, Vol. 30, Berlin (G+H Verlag).

LEINFELDER, R.R. (2010): Vom Handeln zum Wissen – das Museum zum Mitmachen.- In: Damaschun, F., Hackethal, S., Landsberg, H. & Leinfelder, R. (eds.)(2010): Klasse, Ordnung, Art. 200 Jahre Museum für Naturkunde, S. 62-67, Rangsdorf (Basilisken-Presse)

LEINFELDER, R.R. (2009): Minispotlights - 17 ausgewählte Forschungsprojekte. In: Was heißt und zu welchem Ende betreibt man Forschung an Museen“ (W. Krull & B. Graf, eds).- Mitteilungen und Berichte aus dem Institut für Museumsforschung, 48, 59-97, Berlin.

LEINFELDER, R.R. (2009): Wie kann Wissenschaft für die Öffentlichkeit attraktiv gestaltet werden? Ein Vorgehen mit allen Sinnen am Beispiel des Museums für Naturkunde Berlin.- In: Hanft, A. & Knust, M. (eds): Weiterbildung im Elfenbeinturm!?, S. 106-112, Münster, New York, München, Berlin(Waxmann).

LEINFELDER, R.R. (2008): The „Museum für Naturkunde Berlin“: Evolution in Action – New Concepts and New Exhibitions.- Proceedings 3er Encuentro Internacional en Museografía, Mérida, 24, 25 y 27 Septiembre 2007, p. 190-203, ICOM España (Merkley Publicidad, Vigo)

LEINFELDER, R.R. (2007): Sammeln, Forschen und Vermitteln – Zwischen allen Stühlen oder einmalige Chance? Das Beispiel der großen naturkundlichen Forschungsmuseen in Deutschland.- Museumskunde, 72 (2/07), S. 33-40.

LEINFELDER, R., KULL, U. & BRÜMMER, F. (eds.)(1998): Riffe - ein faszinierendes Thema für den Schulunterricht.-Materialien für die Fächer Biologie, Erdkunde und Geologie, Profil, 13, 150 S.

LEINFELDER, R.R., MAASSEN, Ch. & PÜSCHEL, H. (2007): Das Thema "Riffe" im Schulunterricht. Informationen, Anregungen, Erfahrungen.- In: Geologie macht Schule, scriptum, 14,  S. 32-51, Geol.Dienst NRW..

see more on PUS and PUR in public outreach and web project sections.

Science Skepticism and Science Advocay

R. Leinfelder, Berlin, H. Bayrhuber, Kiel (Inst. Pedagogics of Natural Sciences), K. Niebert, Kiel (ETH) ), Scientists for Future, others.

Selected publications (for more recent ones, see intro page of this site):

BAUMANN, F., BIJAMA, J. BREYER, C., ...., Leinfelder, R., et al. / F. OSSING & C. SCHÖNHERR. (2020): Statement by Scientists 4 Future (S4F) regarding the "Demands of Fridays for Future Germany to the German Representatives in the EU",

HAGEDORN, G, LOEW, T., SENERVIRATNE, S.I., LUCHT, W., BECK, M.-L., HESSE, J., KNUTTI, R., QUASCHNING, V, SCHLEIMER, J.-H., MATTAUCH, L., BREYER, C., HÜBENER, H., KIRCHENGAST, G., CHODURA, A., CLAUSEN, J., CREUTZIG, F., DARBI, M., DAUB, C.-H., EKARDT, F., GÖPEL, M., HARDT, J.N., HERTIN, J., HICKLER, T., KÖHNCKE, A., KÖSTER, S., KROHMER, J., KROMP-KOLB, H., LEINFELDER, R., MEDERAKE, L., NEUHAUS, M., RAHMSTORF, S., SCHMIDT, C., SCHNEIDER, C., SCHNEIDER, G., SEPPELT, R., SPINDLER, U., SPRINGMANN, M.,STAAB, K., STOCKER, T., STEININGER, K., VON HIRSCHHAUSEN, E., WINTER, S., WITTAU, M. & ZENS, J. (2019): The concerns of the young protesters are justified. A statement by Scientists for Future concerning the protests for more climate protection.- GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, Vol. 28/2 (2019), 79-87, doi: 10.14512/gaia.28.2.3 (open access)

LEINFELDER, R. & NIEBERT, K. (2018): Willkommen im Anthropozää. Diskurs über das "Menschenzeitalter" als wissenschaftliche Basis für wirksame Politik. Umwelt Aktuell, 3/2018, 2-3, Deutscher Naturschutzring (Oekom-Verlag). online-Version

LEINFELDER, R. (2014): Die Wissenschaft darf nicht aus Überheblichkeit ihre Skeptiker marginalisieren. Helmholtz-Perspektiven. Das Magazin der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Ausgabe Jan/Feb. 2014, S. 19, Standpunkte. Online here. (Zur Langfassung siehe hier)

LEINFELDER, R. R. (2012): Darwins Erbe für die Zukunft,  in:  Charles Darwin Die Entstehung der Arten, mit zwei Beiträgen von Alfred Russel Wallace, illustriert, kommentiert und herausgegeben von Paul Wrede und Saskia Wrede, VCH- Wiley Weinheim.

BAYRHUBER, H., FABER, A. & LEINFELDER, R. (eds)(2011): Darwin und kein Ende? Kontroversen zu Evolution und Schöpfung.- 240 S., Seelze (Kallmeier in Verb. mit Klett  u. Friedrich Verlag)

LEINFELDER, R.R. (2010): Die wunderbare Natur.- In: Bödeker, K. & Hammer, C. (eds.), Wunderforschung – Ein Experiment von Kindern, Wissenschaftlern und Künstlern, S. 54-62, Berlin (Nicolai-Verlag)

Leinfelder, R.R. (2010): Wir sind kein reiner Zufall! Evolution und Kreationismus. In: Gerhardt, V. (ed.): Faszination Leben – Heinz Nixdorf Museumsforum, Paderborn (Wilhelm Fink-Verlag)

LEINFELDER, R.R. (2007): Der deutsche Kreationismus und seine Rahmenbedingungen aus der Sicht eines Paläontologen.- In: KUTSCHERA, U. (ed.), Kreationismus in Deutschland. Fakten und Analysen. Lit Verlag, Münster 2007 Naturwissenschaft und Glaube Bd. 1, 248 S.

LEINFELDER, R.R. (2007): Neugier, nicht Dogmatismus bringt die Wissenschaft weiter (Interview).- . Humboldt-Spektrum, 2/2007, S. 68-72.

See also statements under , and

Reef Evolution through Time

Leinfelder (coord), Heiss, D'Olivo (all Berlin), Zinke (Lancaster), others

Presently, this is a largely evaluative project which is based on a comparison of results of above Munich projects on reefs as well as evaluation of existing literature and reconnaissance visits to additional reef sites from the Phanerozoic. Not only did reef organisms, and their abilities and demands, change through time, but along with this, characteristics of reef settings also did. The project attempts to evaluate reef distribution through time under the focus of environmental parameters, changes in reef structure and evolution of reef taxa

Selected publications (for more recent ones, see intro page of this site):

SKIBA, V., ZINKE, J., STRUCK, U., VOIGT, O., REUNING, L., GARBE-SCHöNBERG, D., FRANK, N., LEINFELDER, R., O'DEA, A. (2019): Coral reconstructed Mid-Holocene seasonality in the southwest Caribbean.- Book of Abstracts, p.27, ROCKING EARTH'S FUTURE, 9-13 September 2019, 5th International Young Earth Scientists (YES) Congress, Freie Universität Berlin, YES Network

LEINFELDER, R.R. (2019): Using the state of reefs for Anthropocene stratigraphy: An ecostratigraphic approach.- In: Jan Zalasiewicz, Colin Waters, Mark Williams, Colin Summerhayes (eds), The Anthropocene as a Geological Time Unit. A Guide to the Scientific Evidence and Current Debate, pp. 128-136, Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), ISBN 9781108475235, RG-availability?

LEINFELDER, R.R., SEEMANN, J., HEISS, G.A., & STRUCK, U. (2012): Could ‘Ecosystem Atavisms’ Help Reefs to Adapt to the Anthropocene?- Proceedings of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 9-13 July 2012 2B Coral reefs: is the past the key to the future? Online publication:

LEINFELDER, R.R. (2007):Ein Ökosystem auf Reisen: Die Evolution der Korallenriffe. In: Glaubrecht, M., Kinitz, A. & Moldrzyk, U. (2007, eds): Evolution in Aktion. Als das Leben laufen lernte.- S. 82-99, Prestel, München etc (overview article, also available in English).

LEINFELDER, R.R., SCHLAGINTWEIT, F., WERNER, W., EBLI, O., NOSE, M., SCHMID, D.U. & HUGHES, G.W. (2005): Significance of stromatoporoids in Jurassic reefs and carbonate platforms.  Concepts and implications., Facies, 51, 287-325. reprint

LEINFELDER, R.R., NOSE, M., SCHMID, D.U. & WERNER, W. (2004): Reefs and Carbonate Platforms in a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic setting. Examples from the Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian to Tithonian) of West-Central Portugal. In: DUARTE, L. V. and HENRIQUES, M. H. (eds.): Carboniferous and Jurassic Carbonate Platforms of Iberia. 23rd IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Coimbra, 2004, Field Trip Guidebook Volume 1, 95-123.

LEINFELDER, R.R., NOSE, M., ZÜHLKE, R., MANCINI, E., HUGHES, G.W. (2005): Significance of Reef-Bearing Upper Jurassic Ramp Types for BasinAnalysis and Hydrocarbon Exploration.- Paper #97489, Annual Joint Convention AAPG-SEPM-CSPG, June 2005, Calgary.

LEINFELDER, R.R. & NOSE, M. (1999): Increasing complexity - decreasing flexibility. A different perspective of reef evolution through time.- Profil, 17, 135-147, Stuttgart.

LEINFELDER, R.R., STRUCK, U., SARIC, B., NOSE, M. & GOLDBERG, J. (2006): Pathways towards superoligotrophy in tropical scleractinian coral reefs – a Jurassic perspective and a modern “Jurassic-type” reef setting. - Programme and Abstracts, Poster S07-09, p. 219, International Society for Reef Studies, European Meeting, Bremen, Germany, 19.-22.9.2006, ZMT/ISRS. Abstract volume

see publications page for more papers, abstracts and reprints.

Growth of Modern Reefs in "stressed" settings

Leinfelder, D'Olivo, Heiss, Berlin; Zinke, Berlin/Lancaster, research students and others.

Modern coral reefs are subject to a great variety of anthropogenic and natural threads. Studies of reefs growing at the margin of the reef window help better determine the limiting factors controlling the onset, composition, stability and demise of reef growth. Such studies are not only necessary to improve the protection of modern reefs but also for comparison with ancient reef growth limitations. (see projects Jurassic Reefs, palaeozoic reefs and reef evolution). The main study area is the Caribbean of Panamá (Almirante Bay), an active foreland basin, influenced e.g. by tectonics, freshwater runoff, partially poor circulation, variable slope characteristics and, possibly, elevated nutrient values. Additional overview surveys are performed in San Andres and Providencia (Colombia), Florida, Bahamas, Discovery Bay (Jamaica), Abrolhos Islands and Bahia coast (Brazil) as well as in some Red Sea localities. Methodology for Panamá includes underwater transsects as well as geobiology and sedimentological underwater mapping, shallow coring, direct and boad-based ground sampling, and ROV sampling, sonar investigations, physical, chemical and organic water analysis, stable isotopes, morphological adaptations, diversity and dominance characteristics of communities etc.

Selected: publications (for more recent ones, see intro page of this site):

KERSTING, D.K., LINARES, C., BRACHERT, T, HATHORNE, E. C., LEINFELDER, R., MONTAGNA, P., PRETUS, J. L., REUNING, L., SPRETER, P., ZINKE, J.(2019): Interdisciplinary long-term monitoring of a "living fossil": ecology, paleontology and geochemistry meet to assess climate change in the Mediterranean Sea.- 1st Meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society & XIV AEET Meeting. February, 4-7 2019, Barcelona, Spain, Abstract Book SIBECOL2019, p. 237. (> Abstract Book Online version

Reinhold LEINFELDER (2019): Using the state of reefs for Anthropocene stratigraphy: An ecostratigraphic approach.- In: Jan Zalasiewicz, Colin Waters, Mark Williams, Colin Summerhayes (eds), The Anthropocene as a Geological Time Unit. A Guide to the Scientific Evidence and Current Debate, pp. 128-136, Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), ISBN 9781108475235, RG-availability?

LEINFELDER, R. (2018): The Future of Reefs in the Anthropocene. Integrated high-resolution stratigraphy as a monitoring, assisting and predictive tool. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-7256, 2018, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, SSP2.1, online-Version

Seemann, J., Gonzáles, C.T., Carballo-Bolaños, R, Berry, K., Heiss, G.A., Struck, U. & Leinfelder, R.R. (2014): Assessing the ecological effects of human impacts on coral reefs in Bocas del Toro, Panama.- Environmental Monitoring Assessment, 186, 3, 1747-1763, doi: 10.1007/s10661-013-3490-y, (online first 22. Nov. 2013)

BERRY, K.L.E., SEEMANN, J., DELLWIG, O., STRUCK, U., WILD, C. & LEINFELDER, R.R. (2013): Sources and spatial distribution of heavy metals in scleractinian coral tissues and sediments from the Bocas del Toro Archipelago, Panama. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-013-3238-8 (published online first May 2013).

LEINFELDER, R. R., SEEMANN, J., HEISS, G.A.& STRUCK, U. (2012): Could “Ecosystem Atavisms“ Help Reefs to Adapt to the Anthropocene? - Proceedings of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 9-13 July 2012 2B Coral reefs: is the past the key to the future? Online publication:

SEEMANN, J., CARBALLO-BOLAÑOS, R., BERRY, K.L., GONZÁLES, C.T., RICHTER, C. & LEINFELDER, R.R. (2012): Importance of heterotrophic adaptations of corals to maintain energy reserves.- Proceedings of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 9-13 July 2012 19A Human impacts on coral reef. Online Publication:

LEINFELDER, R.R., HEISS, G. & MOLDRZYK, U. (eds)(2008): „abgetaucht“. Begleitbuch zur Sonderausstellung zum Internationalen Jahr des Riffes 2008. 224 S., Konradin-Verlag (Leinfelden-Echterdingen).

LEINFELDER, R.R. (1997): Coral reefs and carbonate platforms within a siliciclastic setting: General aspects and examples from the Late Jurassic of Portugal.- Proc. 8th Int. Coral Reef Symp., 2, 1737-1742, Panama City

GREB, L, SARIC, B., SEYFRIED, H., BROSZONN, T., BRAUCH, S., GUGAU, G., WILTSCHKO, C. & LEINFELDER, R. (1996): Ökologie und Sedimentologie eines rezenten Rampensystems an der Karibikküste von Panamá.- Profil, 10: 1-168, Stuttgart

see publications page for more papers, abstracts and reprints.

More subrecent projects Projects, selection:

  • Member of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), 2008-2013 (incl. e.g. flagship reports on the Great Transformation and Oceans)
  • Initiator, board member and co-curator of the Anthropocene Exhibition at the Deutsche Museum (in coop with RCC)
  • Co-initiator and board member of "The Anthropocene Project" at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin.
  • Enlargement of the Museum Mensch und Natur München towards a Naturkundemuseum Bayern. Founding consultation R. Leinfelder, > further information.
  • Other recent projects see up

Earlier projects Projects, selection:

Local, Regional and Global Control of Jurassic Reef and Carbonate Platform Growth

Leinfelder, Berin, Werner, Nose, Schmid, Munich, other researchers and research students; Cooperation with many other institutions in Germany, Portugal, Spain, France, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, USA, Canada and elsewhere.

Factors controlling Jurassic reef growth can be best analyzed by combining sedimentary and allostratigraphic studies with detailed palaeoecological analysis, including (semi-)quantitative discrimination of diversities, dominance of faunal associations and morphologic adaptations of organisms. This allows to discriminate the influence of physicochemical factors such as water depth, extrinsic sedimentation and nutrients controlling general type as well as sedimentological and organismic composition of Jurassic reefs. Reef type characteristics can then be used as basin analysis tools, with specific types and compositions being characteristic of distinct slope and platform characteristic or sea-level states. A global perspective based on a database including nearly all knnown Jurassic reefs allows for correlation of plate tectonic, current system, sea-level and climatic evolution with global reef type distribution and global diversity patterns through time.

Analysis of Jurassic reefs is largely performed in Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany and Morocco, which is accompanied by reconaissance studies in other regions and evaluation of available published data on a global scale.

Selected: publications:

ELLIS,P.M., WILSON, R.C.L. & LEINFELDER, R.R. (1990): Controls on Upper Jurassic carbonate build-up development in the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal.- Int. Ass. Sediment., Spec. Publ., 9, 169-202, Tulsa.

LEINFELDER, R.R. (1993): Upper Jurassic reef types and controlling factors. A preliminary report.- Profil, 5, 1-45, Stuttgart

LEINFELDER, R. R. (1994): Karbonatplattformen und Korallenriffe innerhalb siliziklastischer Sedimentationsbereiche (Oberjura, Lusitanisches Becken, Portugal).- Profil, 6, 1-207, Stuttgart

LEINFELDER, R.R. (2001): Jurassic Reef Ecosystems.- In: Stanley, G.D.jr. (ed), The History and Sedimentology of Ancient Reef Systems, Topics in Geobiology Series, Vol. 17, pp. 251-309, Kluwer/Plenum Press, New York.

LEINFELDER, R.R., KRAUTTER, M., NOSE, M., RAMALHO, M.M. & WERNER, W. (1993): Siliceous sponge facies from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal.- N.Jahrb. Geol. Paläont., Abh., 189, 199-254, Stuttgart.

LEINFELDER, R.R., SCHMID. D.U., NOSE, M. & WERNER, W. (2002): Jurassic reef patterns - The expression of a changing globe.- In Flügel, E., Kiessling W. & Golonka, J. (eds), Phanerozoic Reef Patterns, SEPM Sp.P. 72, pp. 465-520, Tulsa.

LEINFELDER, R.R., SCHLAGINTWEIT, F., WERNER, W., EBLI, O., NOSE, M., SCHMID, D.U. & HUGHES, G.W. (2005): Significance of stromatoporoids in Jurassic reefs and carbonate platforms.  Concepts and implications., Facies, 51, 287-325.

Pienkowski, G., Schudack, M.,  Bosák, P., Enay, R., Feldman-Olszewska, A., Golonka, J., Gutowski, J., Herngreen, G.F.W., Jordan, P., Krobicki, M., Lathuillere, J., Leinfelder, R.R., Michalik, J., Mönnig, E., Noe-Nygaard, N., Pálfi, J., Pint, A., Rasser, M., Reisdorf, A., Schmid, D.U., Schweigert, G., Surlyk, F., Wetzel, A. & Wong, T.E. (2008): The Jurassic of Central Europe.-– In: The Geology of Central Europe, (ed by. McCann, T.), Vol. 2, Mesozoic and Cenozoic, p. 823-922, The Geological Society of America,

see publications page for more papers, abstracts and reprints.

Comparison of Mid-Palaeozoic and Jurassic Reefal and nonreefal benthic communities,

Nose, Leinfelder, Schmid, Werner, Schröder, Salerno & research students, Coop. with P. Copper, Sudbury and others .

Jurassic reefal and non-reefal benthic communities of southwestern and central Europe (e.g. Iberia, Southern Germany) were studied in detail to deduce palaeoecology, environmental settings and dynamic development of reef structures and perireefal sediments. In the course of a new comparative project, based on methods successfully applied in the Jurassic (e.g. quantitative faunal analysis, detailed facies mapping and analysis), investigations are extended to the Mid-Palaeozoic (Ordovician - Devonian) in order to get a better understanding of the evolution of faunal dynamics and reef growth controlling factors (e.g. shelf configuration, sea level, salinity, sedimentation rate, water depth). This includes the assessment of reef building capacities, adaptational trends and ecological demands of reef building organisms of the Palaeozoic (e.g. tabulate and rugose corals, stromatoporoids) in comparison with their Jurassic counterparts (scleractinian corals, microbial crusts).
Case studies and comparative investigations are carried out in the Ordovician and Silurian of Sweden (Lake Siljan, Gotland), in the Ordovician to Devonian of North America (Ontario, New York Sate), in the Devonian of northern Spain (Cantabrian mountains and Asturian coast) and the Rhenish Slate Mountains.

Selected: publications:

NOSE, M., LEINFELDER, R.R. & WERNER, W. (eds) (2005): Korallen und Stromatoporen des Silur und Devon – Taxonomie und Faziesanalysen ausgewählter mitteleuropäischer Lokalitäten.- Zitteliana, Ser. B., 1-254.

NOSE, M., SCHMID, D.U., LEINFELDER, R.R. & COPPER, P. (2004): Importance of non-skeletal microbolites in reefal framework formation, Silurian of Gotland, Sweden.- Abstract Vol. IAS conference, Coimbra Sept. 2004, Portugal.

SCHMID, D.U., LEINFELDER, R.R. & NOSE, M. (2001): Growth dynamics and ecology of Upper Jurassic mounds, with comparisons to Mid-Palaeozoic mounds.- In: Haywick, D. & Kopaska-Merkel, D. (eds.): Carbonate Mudmounds.- Sedimentary Geology, 145, 343-376, Amsterdam.

see publications page for more papers, abstracts and reprints.

Constructional morphology and taxonomy of invertebrates (corals, echinoids, bivalves etc.)

Leinfelder, Berlin, Werner, Nose, Schmid, Baumeister, Stuttgart, other colleagues, and research students

Hard part morphological features of organisms are, to a large part, dependant on the ecology of the habitat, resulting in ecological taxon morphovariability or in genetically determined morphological adaptations. Presently, we focus on adaptational strategies and ecological morphoflexibility in Jurassic and modern scleractinian corals, Jurassic echinoids and Mesozoic bivalves.

Selected: publications:

BAUMEISTER, J.G. & LEINFELDER, R.R. (1998): Constructional Morphology of three Upper Jurassic Echinoids. Palaeontology, 41(2), 203-219.

NOSE, M. & LEINFELDER, R.R. (1997): Upper Jurassic coral communities within siliciclastic settings (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal): Implications for symbiotic and nutrient strategies.- Proc. 8th Int. Coral Reef Symp., 2, 1755-1760, Panama City.

SCHWEIGERT, G., SEEGIS, D.B., FELS, A. & LEINFELDER, R.R. (1997): New internally structured decapod microcoprolites from Germany (Late Triassic/Early Miocene), Southern Spain (Early/Middle Jurassic) and Portugal (Late Jurassic): Taxonomy, palaeoecology and evolutionary implications.- Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 71, 51-69, Stuttgart.

see publications page for more papers, abstracts and reprints.

Marine and Terrestrial Microbial Systems, Calcareous Algae, enigmatic microorganisms and non-reefal biosedimentology

Leinfelder, Berlin, Schmid, Altenbach, Munich; Hartkopf-Fröder, Krefeld; Grau (Botany, Munich), Haszprunar (Zoology, Munich) and research students; cooperation with many other colleagues

Previous study encompassed the origin of Pleistocene travertines (Sauerwasserkalk of Stuttgart area), Tertiary travertines, calcareous tufa and lacustrine deposits (sw Molasse of Germany) as well as freshwater oncolites from the Jurassic of Portugal, Tertiary of the Mainz Basin and modern settings of Münsterland (Germany). Presently, oncoid growth, charophyte settings and geochemical/nutrient fluxes are being studied in lakes streams of southern Bavaria. Methodology includes underwater filming and sampling by snorkeling, diving and remote operated vecicle (ROV), isotope studies, microfacies and taxonomic analysis. In addition the control of reefal microbial systems is investigated for Jurassic and Palaeozoic reefs.

Selected: publications:

HÄGELE, D., LEINFELDER, R., GRAU, J., BURMEISTER, E.-G. & STRUCK, U. (2006): Oncoids from the river Alz (southern Germany): Tiny ecosystems in a phosphorus-limited environment.- Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 237, 378-995 (Elsevier), and online: doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2005.12.016

HARTKOPF-FRÖDER, C., HISS, M. & LEINFELDER, R.R. (1989): Holozäne Süßwasserkalke im Alme- und Aftetal südlich von Büren (Kreis Paderborn, Nordrhein-Westfalen).- Münster. Forsch. Geol. Paläont., 69, 261-289, Münster.

KOBAN, Ch.G. & LEINFELDER, R.R. (1994): Composition, origin and paleoenvironmental significance of the Stuttgart-Cannstatt 'Travertines', Pleistocene to Holocene, southwestern Germany.- Death Valley International Stromatolite Symposium, Laughlin, Nevada USA, 15-17 Oct. 1994, Abstracts, p. 42-43.

LEINFELDER, R.R. (1985): Cyanophyte calcification morphotypes and depositional environments (Alenquer Oncolite, Upper Kimmeridgian?, Portugal).- Facies, 12, 253-274, Erlangen.

LEINFELDER, R.R. (1987): Formation and significance of Black Pebbles from the Ota Limestone (Upper Jurassic, Portugal).- Facies, 17, 159-170, Erlangen.

LEINFELDER, R.R. & HARTKOPF-FRÖDER, C. (1990): In situ accretion mechanism of concavo-convex lacustrine oncoids ("swallow-nests") from the Oligocene of the Mainz Basin (Rhineland, West Germany).- Sedimentology, 37, 287-301, Oxford.

LEINFELDER, R.R., NOSE, M., SCHMID, D.U. & WERNER, W. (1993): Microbial crusts of the Late Jurassic: composition, palaeoecological significance and importance in reef construction.- Facies, 29, 195-230.

LEINFELDER, R.R. & SCHMID, D.U. (2000): Mesozoic Reefal Thrombolites and other Microbolites.- In: RIDING, R. (ed.): Microbial Sediments, pp. 289-294, .Berlin (Springer).

LEINFELDER, R.R. & WERNER, W. (1993): The systematic position ande palaeoecology of the alga Marinella lugeoni Pfender.- Zitteliana, 20, 105-122,  München.

OLIVIER, N., HANTZPERGUE, P., GAILLARD, C., PITTET, B., LEINFELDER, R.R., SCHMID, D.U. & WERNER, W. (2003): Microbialite morphology, structure and growth: a model of the Upper Jurassic reefs of the Chay Peninsula (Western France).- Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 193, 383-404.

SCHMID, D.U. & LEINFELDER, R.R. (1996): The Jurassic Lithocodium aggregatum - Troglotella incrustans foraminiferal consortium.-Palaeontology, 39, 21-52, Oxford.

see publications page for more papers, abstracts and reprints.

Basin analysis of the Jurassic of the Lusitanian Basin, west-central Portugal

Leinfelder, Berlin, R.C.L. Wilson, Milton Keynes, Werner, Nose, Ramalho, Azeredo, Reyle, Klingel, Stuttgart & research students

The Lusitanian Basin of west-central Portugal is a typical Mesozoic to Cenozoic ocean marginal basin. Its character as an on-land preserved typical Atlantic margin basin makes it most interesting for petroleum industry . Major paleogeographic changes and major infill occurred during the Jurassic. Mixed carbonate-siliciclastic deposits, ranging from caliche and riverine deposits through reefs and carbonate platforms to deeper water fan and slope deposits cooccured particularly during the Late Jurassic where a second rifting episode strongly differentiated the basin. The project focuses on the multifactorial control of Jurassic basin palaeogeography and evolution by tectonics, synsedimentary halokinesis and sea-level change. Seismic and borehole evaluation accompanies sedimentary, facies, palaeoecological, stratigraphic and sequential analyses. These data are then used for basin modelling and simulation (see Project platforms).

Presently no activities.

Selected publications:

LEINFELDER, R.R. (1987b): Multifactorial control of sedimentation patterns in an ocean marginal basin: the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) during the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian.- Geol. Rdsch., 76, 599-631, Stuttgart.

LEINFELDER, R.R. & WILSON, R.C.L. (1989): Seismic and sedimentologic features of Oxfordian - Kimmeridgian syn-rift sediments on the eastern margin of the Lusitanian Basin.- Geol. Rdsch, 78, 81-104, Stuttgart.

LEINFELDER, R.R. & WILSON, R.C.L. (1998): Third order Sequences in an Upper Jurassic Rift-Related Second Order Sequence, Central Lusitanian Basin, Portugal. In: Mesozioc-Cenozoic Sequence Stratigraphy of European Basins (P.-C. de Graciansky, J. Hardenbol, T .Jacquin, & P. Vail, eds.), SEPM, Sp. Publ., 60, 507-525, Tulsa

LEINFELDER, R.R., NOSE, M., SCHMID, D.U. & WERNER, W. (2004): Reefs and Carbonate Platforms in a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic setting. Examples from the Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian to Tithonian) of West-Central Portugal. In: DUARTE, L. V. and HENRIQUES, M. H. (eds.): Carboniferous and Jurassic Carbonate Platforms of Iberia. 23rd IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Coimbra, 2004, Field Trip Guidebook Volume 1, 95-123.

see publications page for more papers, abstracts and reprints.

Quantitative Basin Modelling: Factors controlling carbonate ramps and platforms in differing plate tectonic settings

Bechstädt (Heidelberg), Leinfelder (Berlin), Zühlke (Munich/Heidelberg), Moroccan Colleagues

The evolution of carbonate (-clastic) ramps and platforms has been comparatively studied in the following areas:

  • Central Dolomites (Italy, Permotriassic, continental margin with intense synsedimentary tectonics),
  • Lusitanian Basin (Portugal, Jurassic, Atlantic rift basin)
  • Agadir Basin (Morocco, late Permian to Tertiary, initial rift basin to passive continental margin).

The project focusses on (1) quantification and discrimination of factors controlling shelf evolution; (2) test of existing models; (3) variations in control of shelf evolution by sea-level or subsidence changes; (4) feedback mechanisms between sediment influx and accomodation; (5) multifactorial interaction of controlling parameters in relation with basin type.
Methodology includes 2D-backward and forward modelling. Quantitative modelling is based on detailed sequence stratigraphic examinations, including total, tectonic, compactional and flexure-dependant subsidence, and absolute sea level change. 3D-modelling and simulations are used for analysing spatial and temporal basin developments. Faunal and sedimentological analysis, particularly of reefal deeper and shallower settings, are used to both calibrate and test modelling.

Project completed.

Selected: publications:

LEINFELDER, R.R. (1988): A sedimentary-process and sediment-thickness related stratigraphic model for the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal).- Proceedings 2nd Internat. Sympos. Jurass. Stratigraphy, Bd. 2, 933-946, Lissabon.

ZÜHLKE, R., BECHSTÄDT, Th. & LEINFELDER, R.R. (1998): 2D reverse and forward stratigraphic modelling of Late Jurassic carbonate-clastic depositional environments in the Lusitanian Basin. Abstr. Vol., 15th Int Sediment Congr Int Ass Sediment, Alicante April 12-17, pp 847-849

ZÜHLKE, R. , BOUAOUDA, M-S. , OUAJHAIN, B., Bechstädt, T. & LEINFELDER , R. (2004): Quantitative Meso-/Cenozoic Development of the Eastern Central Atlantic Continental Shelf, Western High Atlas, Morocco.- Marine and Petroleum Geology, 21, 225-276, Amsterdam..

see publications page for more papers, abstracts and reprints.
see also here for an online-version of Lusitanian Basin modeling, incl. modeling videoclips

Progress in Methodologies

3D-reconstruction of enigmatic microencrusters and organismic constructions (see here)

Sequence Stratigraphy: Sequence stratigraphy is applied by us in many research fields. In addition we have are a few review papers on sequence strat methodology and application, browse up for papers.

Quantitative Basin Modelling: see own category above.

Stable Isotopes: In many projects we focus on stable O, C and N-Isotopes. See e.g. categories on reefs and microbial systems.

See also Anthropocene Research above.

Selected: publications:

LEINFELDER, R. (2009): Palaeontologia Quo Vadis? – Zur Situation und Zukunft der paläontologischen Forschung.- In: Kohring, R. Riedel, F. & Zobel, K. (eds.), Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Helmut Keupp, Berliner paläobiologische Abhandlungen, 10, 229-243, Berlin.

HENSSEL, K., SCHMID, D.U. & LEINFELDER, R.R. (2002): Computergestützte 3D-Rekonstruktionen in der Paläontologie anhand von Serienschnitten.- Mathematische Geologie, 6. 131-142, Dresden.

LEINFELDER, R. & SEYFRIED, H. (1993): Sea level change - a philosophical approach.- Geol. Rdsch., 82, 159-172, Berlin.

see publications page for more papers, abstracts and reprints.

see publications page for more papers, abstracts and reprints.

  • Last Changes by Reinhold Leinfelder :9 Feb 2023