Reinhold Leinfelder's present professional positions, functions and affiliations

Univ. Prof. Dr. Reinhold Leinfelder 

Full Professor (*em*) of Invertebrate Palaeontology and Geobiology at the Freie Universität Berlin*, see here.
Head of the Working Group on Geobiology and Anthropocene Research
(until end 2024)

Department of Geological Sciences
Section Palaeontology
Freie Universität
Maltesterstrasse 74-100, Haus C
D-12249 Berlin

reinhold.leinfelder (at)
Head of the Working Group on Geobiology and Anthropocene Research
(until end 2024)
*formally retired since 1.4.2022, continuing research and lecturing in summer semester 2022, as an associated researcher


Associate Partner of University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria, for projects 'Learning and Teaching the Anthropocene', 'CultureNature-Literacy' and 'Futures Literacy'
Contact: reinhold.leinfelder(at)


--------- selection of additional affiliations since 2010 ---------

Associated researcher/lecturer, EU-Erasmus project "CultureNature Literacy" (since 2023) and other projects at Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich (since 2022)

Senior Lecturer for Master-course Zukunftsforschung (Future Studies), at Institut Futur, Freie Universität Berlin (Oct 2018-2022)

Principal Investigator at Excellence-Cluster "Interdisciplinary Laboratory Image Knowledge Gestaltung". Joint Project: The Anthropocene Kitchen - A Laboratory Connecting Home and World. Philosophical Faculty III, Humboldt-University (2012- end 2018)

Member of the Working Group of the 'Anthropocene', International Commission on Stratigraphy, IUGS
(since 2012)

Steering Board Member of The Anthropocene Project at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (2012-2014)

Steering Board member of the Exhibiton Project "Anthropocene - Welcome to the Anthropocene - The Earth in our hands" at the Deutsches Museum, Munich (2012-2016)

Founding Director of "Haus der Zukunft gGmbH" (House of the Future) Berlin, see here, since July 4, 2016 renamed as Futurium, see here (2014-2016

Founding Member of GeoBio-CenterLMU
(Center of Geobiology and Biodiversity Research at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Unversity of Munich),
(since 2002)

Member of Expert Advisory Council for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management of the State of Berlin.
(May 2012 - April 2021)

Member of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU - Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen) (Dec 2008 - Feb. 2013)

Corresponding Member of Bavarian Academy of Science (since 2008)

and some more..... You may see the curriculum vitae of R. Leinfelder

last changes 18 Dec. 2024 by R. Leinfelder