Reinhold Leinfelder's curriculum vitae

Year and Place of Birth: 1957 in Augsburg (Bavaria, Germany)

Nationality: German

High-School Graduation: Abitur, St. Anna Gymnasium, Augsburg, Autumn 1975

Diploma-Degree: Dec. 1980: course Geology and Paleontology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (academic teachers: Profs. Herm, Hagn, Schmidt-Kittler, Fürsich, Fahlbusch, Klaus Schmidt, Huckenholz, Jagodzinski, Autrum, Bechstädt, E. Flügel and others).

Academic Career and Affiliations:


Spring 1981 - Autumn 1989: research fellow, post-doc, scientific assistant (~equiv. Assistant Professor) at the Institut für Geowissenschaften (Paläontologie) at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz;

May 1985: doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) (with "scl") at the University of Mainz
May 1989: Habilitation degree and venia legendi for subjects Geology and Paleontology at the University of Mainz


October 1989 -September 1998 University Professor (~equiv. Associate Professor) of Geology and Paleontology at the Institute of Geology und Paleontology at the University of Stuttgart (successor of Prof. Dr. Otto Geyer)

  • Chair of Examinations Board
  • Dean of Study Affairs


October 1998 - December 2005:

  • Full Professor, Chair of Paleontology and Historical Geology (successor of Prof. Dr. Dietrich Herm)
  • Director of Institute of Paleontology and Historical Geology (since April 2002 Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Paleontology)of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University München),
  • Director of Bavarian State Collections of Paleontology and Geology; Director of Paleontological Museum Munich, Director of Geological Museum Munich
  • Dean of Study Affairs of Geoscience Faculty at LMU (1999-2003)

August 2002 - December 2005: Founding member and Speaker of GeoBio-Center at LMU, Munich. (, Membership continuing

August 2003 - December 2005: General Director of the Bavarian Natural History Collections (

September 2004 - December 2005: member of managing board of GeoZentrum LMU/TUM

8 May 2006 - 7 May 2018: Curatory member of Deutsches Museum, Munich

Since Jan. 2008: Corresponding member of the Bavarian Academy of Science (see here or here)

June 2011 - May 2012: Carson Fellow at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society at the LMU

June 2012 - Dec. 2014: Affiliate Carson Professor, at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich.

Jan. 2012 - Jan 2016: Visiting Professor and steering board member of the Exhibiton Project "Welcome to the Anthropocene - The Earth in our hands" at the Deutsches Museum, Munich (5. Dec. 2014-31. Jan 2016)


January 2006 - Dec. 2010: Director General and Professor, Museum für Naturkunde (Museum of Natural History), Leibniz Institute for Research on Evolution and Biodiversity at the Humboldt University, Berlin (

January 2006 - March 2011: Full Professor, Chair of Invertebrate Palaeontology and Geobiology at the Humboldt-University (on leave for museum position from Jan 2006-Dec 2010).

July 2006 - Dec. 2010: member of managing board of the newly founded "Interdisciplinary Centre for Genetic Variability and Adaptation" ("Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Genetische Variabilität und Anpassungsfähigkeit") at the Humboldt-University Berlin.

January 2007 - Spring 2011: Member of the Board of Landesmuseumsverband Berlin

Aug 2010 - 2014: Member of the Advisory Board of the Junior Zoo-University Berlin.

Feb 2011-Dec. 2014: Visiting Professor at Museum für Naturkunde Berlin.

Jan 2012-Dec. 2014: Project Co-Leader and Steering Board Member of The Anthropocene Project at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin 2013/2014

1. Sep. 2014 - 15. Sep. 2016: Founding Director of "Haus der Zukunft gGmbH" (House of the Future) Berlin, see here, since July 4, 2016 renamed as Futurium, see here

1. Sept 2012 - 31. Dec. 2018: Principal Investigator of Cluster of Excellence "Image - Knowledge - Gestaltung", esp. Joint Cluster Project: The Anthropocene Kitchen. A Laboratory connecting home and world, Humboldt-University Berlin.

Since April 2012*: University Professor, Chair of Invertebrate Palaeontology and Geobiology, Working Group Geobiology and Anthropocene Research, Institute of Geological Sciences, Freie Universität, Berlin.
*'emeritus' since 1. April 2022, research and lecturing continuing in Summer Semester 2022 and further on, an an associated team member

May 2012 - April 2021: Member of Expert Advisory Council for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management of the State of Berlin.

2017 - March 2022: Member of several university-wide advisory councils on "ethics", "ABV" sustainability" etc. at Freie Universität Berlin

Since Oct 2018: Senior Lecturer for master course "Futures Studies" at Institut Futur, Freie Universität, Berlin.

Since June 2019: Member of programme advisory board of URANIA Berlin

Since Sep. 2019: Member of Advisory Council for Master Course "Futures Studies" at Freie Universität Berlin

Since ca 2017: Member of Working Groups of the Sustainability Steering Committee of Freie Universität (+ member of other FU committees, e.g. Central Ethics Committee, General Career Preparation Committee etc.)

Since Sep. 2019: Member of Working Group "Berlin Research Center of Climate Change, Berlin University Alliance"

2020-Dec 2024: Target-Co-Leader of the EU-Horizon2020 Project "Marine Coastal Ecosystems Biodiversity and Services in a Changing World" (MaCoBios)

BADEN, Lower Austria:

Since 2022: Associate Partner (lecturer/researcher) of the University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria, Research Projects: 'Learning and Teaching the Anthropocene', 'CultureNature-Literacy' (EU-Programme Erasmus+), and 'Futures Literacy'
Contact: reinhold.leinfelder(at)


Other affiliations and responsabilities

1999 - 2005: Council of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft

1999- Jul. 2014: Curatory member of the Werner-and-Inge-Grüter Foundation, 2009 - Feb. 2012 Vice-Chair.

October 2005 - May 2007: Speaker of the Steering Committee of 'Directors of German Natural History Research Collections' (then being changed to:)

May 2007-Jun. 2010: founding Chairman and Speaker of the Consortium of German Natural History Research Collections (DNFS).

2006- Dec. 2010: Member of CETAF (Consortium of European Taxonomic Faciltities, representing the Berlin Museum)

2006-2010: Member of the Board of DIVERSITAS-Germany

2006-2010: Member of the Advisory Board of the GeoUnion/Alfred Wegener Foundation

1997/1998; Jan. 2007 - early 2010; 2018: Responsable steering team member of German activities for The International Year of the Reef (IYOR): IYOR 1997, IYOR 2008 (under the auspices of Federal Minister of Environments Sigmar Gabriel), and IYOR 2018

2007- Dec. 2010: Curatory member and Chair of the "von Pawel-Rammingen-Foundation"

2007 - 2010: Member of the Steering Committee and Represenative of Germany in the OECD - Global Science Forum Working Group on Scientific Collections International

2007-2010: Member of the Board of the Geologische Vereinigung e.V.

2008 - 2016: Member of DFG-working group on Access and Benefit Sharing in Biodiversity Research, various other thematical working groups of the Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Nov 2008 - Dec. 2010: Board of Directors and Work Package 1 Deputy Leader of European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy (EDIT)

Dec 2008 - Feb. 2013: Member of German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU - Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen)

2009 - Dec. 2010: Founding member and speaker of the "Humboldt Ring"-Cooperation Group of Natural History Museums

Jan. 2009-Dec. 2010: Member of the Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (Section C: Life Sciences), representing the Museum of Natural History Berlin

Jan. 2010 - Dec. 2010: Official Appointee of the Presidium of the Leibniz-Gemeinschaft for the Leibniz Research Museums.

Aug 2011 - Aug 2014: Advisory function to the Bavarian State for establishing a Natural History Museum Bavaria

May 2010 - Jan. 2011: Vice-President of the German Museums Association (Deutscher Museumsbund)

Nov. 2010 - May 2018: Member of the Advisory Board of the Deutsche Umweltstiftung

2011 - 2014: Member of Working Group "Credible Biodiversity Targets" of the European Academies Science Advisory Council

Since 2012: Member of the Working Group on the 'Anthropocene', International Commission on Stratigraphy, IUGS; from 2024 onwards 'Broader Anthropocene Working Group' (BAWG), (webpage in prep.)

2016/2017: Member of Specific Forum on Non-formal and Informal Learning / Young People of the German National Platform on Education for Sustainable Development (as part of the Unesco Roadmap to the Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development)

2017/2018: Member of the Project Advisory Board "MenschenWelt" of the Deutsche Bundesumweltstiftung, see here and here (p. 33-36)

Since Feb. 2019: Team Member of Scientists for Future

Since 2021:Associated Researcher/Lecturer at Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich, EU-Erasmus project "CultureNature Literacy" and other projects

continuing: Member e.g. of DGGV, Paläontologische Gesellschaft, International Society for Reef Studies, Deutscher Museumsbund, etc.

Awards, Honours, Calls:

    Oct. 1986: Prize of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, for Dissertation

    1997-2000: various awards for internet projects and further education activities, including Werner und Inge Grüter Award 1998 for activities and organization of the International Year of the Reef (IYOR 1997) in Germany (together with the IYOR coord. team) and 2nd price in uni@schule-project 2000 (together with C. Maaßen and her school team), 2008 Berlin Bear – Culture Award for new Exhibtions, 2008 German Multimedia-Award (for relaunch of Museum für Naturkunde exhibitions, with Art+Com),

    2001-2014 various calls to german and foreign university chairs, directorships of natural history research museums or founding director positions at nhm museums. Calls to Berlin institutions accepted, others declined.

    Jan. 2008: Corresponding member of the Bavarian Academy of Science (see here or here)

    June 2011- May 2012: Carson Fellow at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

    May 2012 - Dec. 2014: affiliate Carson Professor at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

    2013 Various nominations and distinctions of literature awards for the Science Comic "Die Große Transformation. Klima - Kriegen wir die Kurve?", see here

    2020 Luigi Micheletti Award (of European Museum Academy) for Futurium, Press release

    2021 Reinhold-Leinfelder-Year PHNÖ Curriculum year designation Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich

    For a selection of other awards, pleasantries and pamperings see here.

Research focus:

    Reef evolution, biodiversity and environmental control (chiefly Silurian to Devonian reefs, Jurassic Reefs, modern reefs; stressed environments).

    Museology, Science Communication and Education Research

    Integrated Research and Education for the Anthropocene

    Future Visions and future pathways in the Anthropocene

    Growth of microbial marine and freshwater limestones

    Geobiological control of global change throughout Earth History

    Constructional morphology and paleoecology of invertebrates

    Sequence stratigraphy and basin analysis of Jurassic basins

    Regional Geology of Portugal

    Application of fossil reefs and reef organisms for basin analysis

    >> see here for research details and current research projects.

Academic Teaching:

Lectures and courses in invertebrate paleontology, microfacies, paleoecology and basin analysis, Jurassic System, reefs and carbonate platforms, historical geology, multimedia applications, evolution and creationism, museology, new methods in science communication, science transfer and science scepticism, biodiversity, ocean dynamics and use, anthropocene.

Memberships (selection):

Geologische Vereinigung, Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Internat. Soc. Reef Studies, Münchner Universitätsgesellschaft, Friends of the Bavarian State Collection of Palaeontology, Friends of the Geological Museum Munich, Deutscher Museumsbund, several other science support associations and others.

Websites and weblogs produced by RL (selection, some services have been closed): (, since 2000), Virtual Geoscience University (, since 1995) including Jurassic Reef Park ( , 1995), Palaeontology Munich (, 1999-2002) Paläontologische Gesellschaft (, 2002-2004), Palaeo-tv ( , since 2001), Reef-Ressource-Server ( , since 1996), GeoBio-Center ( 2002-2005), online multimediacourse (, since 2000); Evolution and Creationism (, since 2005), geobio-resources (, 2003-2011), DNFS-Webpages (, Schnellfilm-Contest (, 2008), Darwin-Year Calendar (, Darwin-Blog (, DNFS-Calendar for UN-Year of Biodiversity (, Anthropocene-Blog ( = Weblog Der Anthropozäniker (, Weblog Die Große Transformation (, Weblog Haus der Zukunft ( and others.
Italics: not available any longer. See category web for details and additional web projects

See other categories of R.L.'s pages for more details.

Personal photographs

- Click intro photograph for larger image 664 kb, 300 dpi at 5,9 x 7,6 cm; may be used for media purposes)
photo: private
- Click intro photograph for larger image 270 kb, 300 dpi at 8,4 x 11,5 cm; may be used for media purposes)
photo: private
- Click intro photograph for larger image 270 kb, 300 dpi at 10,3 x 15,5 cm; may be used for media purposes)
photo: private
- Click intro photograph for larger image 160 kb, 300 dpi at 5,1 x 7,6 cm (or here for image 659 kb, 300 pdi at 16 x 24 cm; may be both used for media purposes)
photo: Jan O. Kersten, Freie Universität Berlin

contact: please mail to: reinhold.leinfelder(a) or reinhold.leinfelder(at)

Last Changes by Reinhold Leinfelder :18 Dec 2024